Amiga Plus Special 24
AMIGAplus Sonderheft 24 (2000)(Falke)(DE)[!].iso
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1,039 lines
; $VER: Install_MTRIII 1.08 (25.02.2000)
; Script to install MT-RechnungIII
(complete 0)
(set old_level @user-level)
(set @default-dest "sys:")
; Englische strings
(set #bad-kick "To install MT-RechnungIII AMIGA OS 2.1+ is required!")
(set #bad-proz "You need a MC68020 or MC68EC020 Processor")
(set #ask-dir "Where do you want to install MT-RechnungIII?\nAttention, no drawer will be created!")
(set #ask-psvs "How PostScript-Printpreview should be done?\n(ToolTypes will be set)")
(set #ask0-psvs "HWGPost + Multiview (hwgpost.datatype)")
(set #ask1-psvs "GhostScript window")
(set #ask2-psvs "GhostScript -> pcxmono -> MultiView")
(set #ask3-psvs "GhostScript -> pcxgray -> MultiView")
(set #ask4-psvs "GhostScript -> pcx16 -> MultiView")
(set #ask5-psvs "GhostScript -> pcx256 -> MultiView")
(set #ask6-psvs "GhostScript -> pcx24b -> MultiView")
(set #ask7-psvs "GhostScript -> PDF -> XPDF")
(set #ask8-psvs "GhostScript -> pgm -> MultiView")
(set #ask-ps "How PostScript-Print should be done?\n(ToolTypes will be set)")
(set #ask0-ps "PostScript-Printer")
(set #ask1-ps "HWGPost with prtps:")
(set #ask2-ps "HWGPost with psprt:")
(set #ask3-ps "TurboPrint >=V7 + GhostScript")
(set #ask4-ps "GhostScript with Wokbench-Printerdriver")
(set #ask5-ps "GhostScript-direct Epson")
(set #ask6-ps "GhostScript-direct HP")
(set #ask7-ps "GhostScript-direct Canon")
(set #ask0-ps-epson "Epson 9 Nadel (or compatible)")
(set #ask1-ps-epson "Epson 24 Nadel (or compatible)")
(set #ask2-ps-epson "Epson Stylus (Color)")
(set #ask0-ps-hp "HP DeskJet 500C/540C")
(set #ask1-ps-hp "HP DeskJet 550C/560C")
(set #ask2-ps-hp "HP PaintJet XL300/DeskJet 1200C")
(set #ask3-ps-hp "HP PaintJet")
(set #ask4-ps-hp "HP PaintJet XL")
(set #ask5-ps-hp "HP LaserJet")
(set #ask6-ps-hp "HP LaserJet Plus")
(set #ask7-ps-hp "HP LaserJet 2p")
(set #ask8-ps-hp "HP LaserJet 3")
(set #ask9-ps-hp "HP LaserJet 4")
(set #ask0-ps-canon "Canon BJ10e")
(set #ask1-ps-canon "Canon BJ200")
(set #ask2-ps-canon "Canon BJC-600/4000/70/Stylewriter2x00")
(set #ask3-ps-canon "Canon BJC-800")
(set #ask-ps-help "Please pay attention that HWGPost nor GhostScript is part of MT-RechnungIII!")
(set #ask-ps-device "On which port have you installed your PostScript-printer (par:, ser:, ...)")
(set #Install "Install ")
(set #ask-test-inst "Should I install testdatabase?")
(set #ask-test-upd "Update testdatabase?")
(set #ask-script-upd "Update scripts?")
(set #ask-prido-upd "Update printdocuments?")
(set #ask-rexx-upd "Update ARexx-scripts?")
(set #ask-funktion-2 "Which Language(s) should be installed?\n\n")
(set #default_lang 1)
(set #ask-papersize "Choose maximum papersize, your printer can handle:")
(set papersize-default 0)
(set #ask-printerport "Which port your printer is joined:")
(set #ask-icons "Which type of icons do you want to install?")
(set #ask0-icons "4 Color Workbench style")
(set #ask1-icons "MagicWorkbench style")
(set #ask2-icons "NewIcons style")
(set #ask3-icons "My64ColorIcons style")
(set #ask-icons-help (cat #ask0-icons "\n"
"Icons with four colors, like they are distributed with Workbench original disks.\n\n"
#ask2-icons "\n"
"NewIcons is a freeware-softwarepackage that makes it possible, to display icons correctly, indipendent "
"from the used colors on screen and icons. NewIcon-Package must be installed to display this icons, "
"otherwise the four color icons will be displayed.\n\n"
#ask3-icons "\n"
"My64ColorIcons is a 64 color using Iconpackage, that I have uploadet a view years ago to aminet "
"The program SetWBColors has to be instlalled, to display this icons in correct colours."))
(set #ask-printtype (cat "MT-RechnungIII allows you different ways of printing."
"Please select the one you prevere (multiselection is possible)."))
(set #ask0-printtype "PostScript")
(set #ask1-printtype "ARexx: Directsteer of the printer")
(set #ask2-printtype "Arexx: with help of WordWorth (V5 or higher)")
(set #ask3-printtype "Arexx: with help of FinalWriter (V3 or higher)")
(set #ask-printtype-help (cat #ask0-printtype "\n"
"The printoutput is done by PostScript needs a printer that can handle PostScript (most people will not "
"have) or a PostScript-interpreter.\n"
"How to use HWGPost or GhostScript with MTRechnungIII is described in the guide. The needet batch "
"scripts are will automaticly installed.\n\n"
#ask1-printtype "\n"
"Using ARexx-scripts and the ANSI-ESC-Sequences, Workbench-printerdriver dicrectly is steered. "
"There are not many possibilities to design, but its the fastest way, to print\n\n"
#ask2-printtype "\n"
"Using ARexx in WordWorth the document is generated. The advantage is the easy way to change the "
"pattern or the generetade document, before printingen.\n\n"
#ask3-printtype "\n"
"Using ARexx in FinalWriter the document is generated. It's nearly the same as in WordWorth"))
(set #ask-psvs-help "")
(set #ask-psdelete (cat "You have allready installed PostScript-documents but no PostScript-printing selected.\n"
"Do you want to update or delete existing documentsden?"))
(set #ask-psdelete-yes "update")
(set #ask-psdelete-no "delete")
; Deutsch strings
(if (= @language "deutsch")
(set #bad-kick "Sie benötigen AMIGA OS 2.1+ zum Installieren von MT-RechnungIII!")
(set #bad-proz "Sie benötigen mindestens einen MC68020 oder MC68EC020 Prozessor")
(set #ask-dir "Wohin soll MT-RechnungIII installiert werden?\nAchtung es wird kein Verzeichnis erstellt!")
(set #ask-psvs "Wie soll die PostScript-Druckvorschau erfolgen?\n(entsprechende ToolTypes/Merkmale werden gesetzt)")
(set #ask0-psvs "HWGPost + Multiview (hwgpost.datatype)")
(set #ask1-psvs "GhostScript Vorschaufenster")
(set #ask-psvs-help (cat ask0-psvs "\n"
"Die PostScript-Datei wird vom hwgpost.datatype in eine Grafik umgesetzt und von MultiView in einem Fenster "
"auf dem Screen von MT-Rechnung III dargestellt. Bitte beachten Sie, dass HWGPost nicht mit PostScript Level 2 "
"Dateien zurecht kommt, eine Anpassung wie im Handbuch erwähnt, muß durchgeführt werden.\n"
"Es wird immer nur die jeweils erste Seite dargestellt!\n\n"
ask1-psvs "\n"
"Die PostScript-Datei wird direkt von GhostScript dargestellt. Leider ist die Bedinung etwas nervig über ein "
"Shell-Fenster, das nach jeder Seite eine Bestätigung verlangt und zum Schluß manuell beendet werden muß. "
"Die Vorschau erfolgt immer auf dem Workbench-Screen.\n\n"
ask2-psvs "\n"
"GhostScript wandelt die PostScript-Datei in eine monochrome PCX-Grafik (1 Bit-Farbtiefe Schwarz und Weiß) "
"die Darstellung erfolgt mit Hilfe von MultiView auf dem Screen von MT-Rechnung III, ein pcx-Datatype muß "
"demzufolge installiert sein.\n"
"Es wird immer nur die jeweils erste Seite dargestellt!\n\n"
ask3-psvs "\n"
"Wie " ask2-psvs ", jedoch in 256 Graustufen\n\n"
ask4-psvs "\n"
"Wie " ask2-psvs ", jedoch in 16 Farben\n\n"
ask5-psvs "\n"
"Wie " ask2-psvs ", jedoch in 256 Farben\n\n"
ask6-psvs "\n"
"Wie " ask2-psvs ", jedoch in 16,8 Mio Farben (24 Bit Farbtiefe)\n\n"
ask7-psvs "\n"
"GhostScript setzt die PostScript-Datei in eine PDF-Datei um, die anschliessend mit XPDF auf dem Screen "
"von MT-Rechnung III dargestellt wird. XPDF muß natürlich auch installiert sein, ein Assign xpdf: muß "
"gesetzt sein. Die Vorschau benötigt ein wenig Zeit, dafür bietet XPDF die Möglichkeit hin und her zu "
"blättern, die Darstellung zu vergrössern und zu verkleinern...\n"
"ACHTUNG: Ältere Versionen von GhostScript beherrschen keine PDF-Ausgabe!\n\n"
ask7-psvs "\n"
"GhostScript erzeugt aus der PostScript-Datei eine PGM Grafik in 256 Graustufen. Der Unterschied zu den "
"PCX-Dateien ist vor allem de